Born in the 4th century in Pannonia (present-day Hungary), Saint Martin of Tours was declared « European figure, symbol of sharing » by the Council of Europe in 2005. He is known throughout the world for his gesture of sharing the coat with a poor man, while he was still a soldier.

His universal gesture became the main foundation of the value of sharing. Today, in the 21st century, in spite of all the material advances of civilization, it is more necessary than ever to learn sharing again and to integrate it into the heart of our daily lives, to develop a broader sharing, to participate in sharing education, and thus perpetuate the gesture of Saint Martin for future generations.

Partage citoyen

“Partage citoyen means realising the absolute necessity of sharing: sharing the world’s public resources: water, air, wealth, knowledge, health, education…”

The concept of Partage citoyen was validated by a Commission of twenty European experts brought together in Paris on 14th March 2007 for the Treaty of Rome 50th anniversary celebrations, under the guidance of the European Council and the Ministry of Culture and Communication, headed by Mrs Catherine Lalumière, President of the Maison de l’Europe in Paris.

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Partage citoyen attempts to bring people together, regardless of their differences, for a common goal: the sharing of resources, knowledge, values… urgently, in order to preserve humanity. Faced with the challenge of globalisation, demographic expansion and the threat posed to the planet’s ecosystem, sharing has become more than a moral necessity: our very survival depends on it, not just in Europe but worldwide.

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Partage citoyen award

In a rapidly changing world shaken by wars and multiple crises, Europe must consider new economic and cultural models and new ways of working together. Globalization raises questions about the future in areas such as environmental protection, global trade, interfaith dialogue, education, and culture. In this globalized universe, it is crucial for Europe to develop policies that align with its ancient values, which have become relevant once again.

Among these values, one is fundamental: that of sharing, symbolized by Saint Martin’s universal gesture, which must now take the form of an expanded sharing: Civic Sharing, a true challenge for the future. Europe must be the driving force behind this ongoing project, promoting cultural values based on its common history, dialogue between social and religious expressions, and cooperation among intellectuals, recognized consciences of our time, and actors who work daily against inequalities. Europe has the responsibility to pass these values on to future generations.

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